東京一番町十二番地 フランス公使館の焼け跡

作品名(英名)No. 12 Ichibanchô, Tokyo, Burnt Ruins of the French Legation
技法素材水彩、ペン、鉛筆, 紙
解説 00XBC0060および00XBC0061は1887年のフランス公使館火災の様子を描いた作品で、フランスの『ル・モンド・イリュストレ』紙に同事件を伝える記事の挿絵として掲載された(Le Monde Illustré, n°1563, 12 mars 1887, p.172.)。ビゴーは同紙や『ザ・グラフィック』紙などの英仏の新聞の仕事を請け負い、日本で起こった事件などの挿絵を寄せているが、フランス公使館火災の挿絵はその最初期のものであるとされている。

00XBC0060 and 00XBC0061 depict the fire that broke out at the French legation in Tokyo, and they were used as illustrations for articles on the event published in the French Le Monde Illustré newspaper (Le Monde Illustré, no. 1563, March 12, 1887, p. 172). Bigot produced images of events in Japan for this paper, The Graphic and other French and English newspapers, and this French Legation fire illustrationis from the early period of such work.
According to the newspaper article, the fire occurred on the day of the Fire Department's annual festival and this meant that the fire crews arrived at the fire late because the fire alarm bells were thought to be part of the festival event. The lack of water also meant that the entire structure burned down in around 30 minutes. While the legate and other staff escaped uninjured, the newspaper article lamented the loss of the legation’s documents which provided information on early interactions between Japan and Europe.The article goes on to mention Japanese culture and customs, noting that the frequency of fires in Japan led the Japanese to see them as spectacles, to the degree that firemen would carry barrels of sake to a fire and drink for strength during the fire. An addendum on the article introduces Bigot as the illustration artist and indicates that he was widely known in the art world for his illustrations in La Vie Moderne and other magazines. It also expresses the expectations that he would continue to introduce the readers of Le Monde Illustré to events in Japan and the fascinating customs of the Japanese unknown to the French (Ibid., pp. 170-171).
関連作品《Japon. - Incendie de la Légation de France à Tokio》(Le Monde Illustré, n°1563, 12 mars 1887, p. 172.)
