
作者ビゴー,ジョルジュ 1860 西暦1860 1927 昭和2 フランス
作品名(英名)View of Awashima from a Hilltop Temple (Mito, Izu)
技法素材油彩, 板
解説 三津の内浦湾から発端丈山に向かって少し登ったところにある来迎寺の門をわずかに入った辺りから、淡島を望む景色を描いた作品。本作と、それが描かれてから優に100年が経過している現在の風景とを比べると、参道の脇に並ぶ民家が建て替えられているものの、それらには大きな隔たりがない。また、本作の画面下方には寺の門の敷居の一部と敷石が見えているが、それを現在の敷居や敷石と見比べてみると、ビゴーが実際に目にしたものをかなり忠実に描いていたと考えられる。

This work looks out at Awashima from just inside the gate at Raigôji, up the hill on Hottanjôyama along the Uchiura Bay in Mito, Shizuoka prefecture. A comparison of the depicted scene and the presentday locale, a century later, show that other than the rebuilding of the houses along the path, not much has changed. A comparison of today's temple gate area and entrance paving with Bigot's shows that Bigot accurately depicted what he saw.
This painting is painted in oil pigments on board, and yet its vertical alignment suggests that it could have also been intended as a hanging scroll format. The composition with its high horizon line and mountain protruding from the distance is also reminiscent of traditional Japanese landscape painting compositions. On the other hand, the distant mountain and the branch with leaves hanging from the left are reminiscent of ukiyo-e contrasting of near/far imagery. This painting thus is quite a faithful depiction of the scene, all while having an added Japanese art form of stylized beauty. This approach can be seen as one of Bigot's aims for his landscape works.
