作者 | 東郷 青児 1897 1978 |
Artist | TOGO Seiji |
Title | Adoration of Female Body |
制作年 Date | 1972 |
寸法 Size | 145.8×89.5 |
技法 | 油彩・キャンヴァス |
Technique | oil on canvas |
書込 Inscriptions | 右下に署名:青児 |
小分類 | 日本(東郷青児) |
所蔵 | SOMPO美術館所蔵 |
収蔵No. | MO0048 |
展覧会歴 | 二科展 第57回(東京都美術館, 1972)、通常展示(東郷青児美術館, 新宿, 1976-1978, 一部の展示替え有り)、開館一周年記念展覧会(東郷青児美術館, 新宿, 1977)、常設展 昭和53年度 第1回(東郷青児美術館, 新宿, 1978) ※存命中の主な展覧会のみ |
今月の一品 解説 | 東郷が初めて東洋的なモティーフを描いたのは、日中戦争が始まった翌年の二科展(1938年)に出品した《舞》でした。天平風俗を描くよう注文をうけて奈良の仏像を取材したにもかかわらず、当時は「千年と云ふ時代的な悠久さに圧倒され」ベールをまとった女性を描くにとどめたといいます。東郷が世界各地の旅先から持ち帰った骨董品の中には、本作と同じく手が六本ある明代の六臂観音菩薩像をはじめ、チベットの歓喜天像やインドの神像など、アジアの小さな彫刻が含まれています。肉感的な身体によって神聖なものを表わす東洋の造形が、東郷の晩年の境地を暗示しています。 |
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With the "Sompo Museum of Art Collection Search" website function, access is provided to information on the artworks and materials (approx. 650 items) in the collection of the Sompo Museum of Art as well as some works (approx. 100 items) in the collection of Sompo Japan Insurance Co., Ltd. The information posted will be updated frequently based on ongoing research.
2.画像 Images
In accordance with the revision of Article 47 of Japan’s Copyright Act, thumbnail images of up to 32,400 pixels are available for works in the collection of Sompo Museum of Art*. However, there are some works whose images are not made available due to other copyright conditions.
Enlarged images (approx. 1.9 million pixels) are also available for works whose copyright protection period has expired and works by Seiji Togo and Tamami Togo, which are copyrighted by the Sompo Fine Art Foundation. Click here for information on the copyright of Togo's works.
For other questions/concerns you may have, please contact Sompo Museum of Art.
*In response to the revision of Article 47 of the Copyright Act that came into effect on January 1, 2019, copyright management organizations and museum-related organizations (Japan Artists Association, Inc., Japan Art Copyright Association, Japan Photographic Copyright Association, Japanese Association of Museums, The Japanese Council of Art Museums, and Japan Book Publishers Association) formulated Article 47 Guidelines of the Copyright Act on Reproduction Accompanying the Exhibition of Works by Artists, etc.", and the "Guidelines for Article 47 of Law No. 30 of Heisei 30 (Partial Revision of the Copyright Law)" formulated by the Japan Art Copyright Association.
(c) Sompo Museum of Art. All Rights Reserved.