

大分類Basic Terms of Shinto 神道基本用語集
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
テキスト内容A garment worn in religious ceremonies. Worn since ancient times by Shinto priests, and also worn on occasion by laymen visiting shrines to worship or attending religious ceremonies. Made of white silk or other fabric tailored in the same way as the kariginu.
-120392009/02/19Administrator00BTS000120浄衣JôeA garment worn in religious ceremonies. Worn since ancient times by Shinto priests, and also worn on occasion by laymen visiting shrines to worship or attending religious ceremonies. Made of white silk or other fabric tailored in the same way as the kariginu.120浄衣JôeJ01
