Jidai Matsuri

Jidai Matsuri

大分類Basic Terms of Shinto 神道基本用語集
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
+TermsJidai Matsuri
テキスト内容Festival of the Ages. An annual festival celebrated on October 22 at the Heian Jingû in Kyoto. The procession that makes its way through the city is a pageant of historical characters dressed in period costumes representing the 1000-year history of Kyoto as the capital of Japan.
-106392009/02/19Administrator00BTS000106時代祭Jidai MatsuriFestival of the Ages. An annual festival celebrated on October 22 at the Heian Jingû in Kyoto. The procession that makes its way through the city is a pageant of historical characters dressed in period costumes representing the 1000-year history of Kyoto as the capital of Japan.106時代祭Jidai MatsuriJ01
