Gion Matsuri

Gion Matsuri

大分類Basic Terms of Shinto 神道基本用語集
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
+TermsGion Matsuri
テキスト内容An annual festival celebrated from July 17 to 24 at the Yasaka Jinja in Kyoto. Said to have originated during the reign of Emperor Seiwa (r. 858-876) as a festival to guard against pestilence. Today the processions of yamaboko (festival floats) pulled through the city on the first and last days are the highlights of the festival. These floats, displaying dolls, sculptures created by famous artists, and even Gobelin tapestries imported from abroad, are valued as cultural treasures.
-52392009/02/19Administrator00BTS000052祇園祭Gion MatsuriAn annual festival celebrated from July 17 to 24 at the Yasaka Jinja in Kyoto. Said to have originated during the reign of Emperor Seiwa (r. 858-876) as a festival to guard against pestilence. Today the processions of yamaboko (festival floats) pulled through the city on the first and last days are the highlights of the festival. These floats, displaying dolls, sculptures created by famous artists, and even Gobelin tapestries imported from abroad, are valued as cultural treasures.52祇園祭Gion MatsuriG01
