
大分類Basic Terms of Shinto 神道基本用語集
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
テキスト内容Supreme priest. At ordinary shrines, the chief priest is called gûji. The daigûji is a special rank found at Ise no Jingû; its holder assists the saishu, participates in religious ceremonies, and supervises the administration of the shrine.
-31392009/02/19Administrator00BTS000031大宮司DaigûjiSupreme priest. At ordinary shrines, the chief priest is called gûji. The daigûji is a special rank found at Ise no Jingû; its holder assists the saishu, participates in religious ceremonies, and supervises the administration of the shrine.31大宮司DaigûjiD01
