Kifune Jinja

貴船神社 Kifune Jinja

小分類Kifune Jinja
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CB画像
+LocationKuramakibune-chō, Sakyō-ku, Kyōto City
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 35 度 07 分 20.730秒
東経 135 度 45 分 46.250秒
+Deity(ies)Takaokami no kami
+HistoryWhile the period when this shrine was built is unknown, shrine history tells that the main hall of worship was rebuilt sometime during the reight of the 40th emperor Tenmu. Located along the upper reaches of the Kifune River, the deity it venerates has been worshipped since ancient times as a rainmaking (kiu) and rain-halting (shiu) divinity.
-8372Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース貴船神社Kifune JinjaBPD000025貴船神社 Kifune Jinja北緯 35 度 07 分 20.730秒
東経 135 度 45 分 46.250秒105043Kifune Jinja貴船神社きふねじんじゃKyōto京都府Kuramakibune-chō, Sakyō-ku, Kyōto City左京区鞍馬貴船町 no kami高龗神While the period when this shrine was built is unknown, shrine history tells that the main hall of worship was rebuilt sometime during the reight of the 40th emperor Tenmu. Located along the upper reaches of the Kifune River, the deity it venerates has been worshipped since ancient times as a rainmaking (kiu) and rain-halting (shiu) divinity.Nijūnisha
