Hirota Jinja

廣田神社 Hirota Jinja

小分類Hirota Jinja
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CB画像
+LocationTaisha-chō, Nishinomiya City,
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 34 度 45 分 09.860秒
東経 135 度 20 分 24.740秒
+Deity(ies)Amaterasu Ōmikami Aramitama (Tsukisakaki Itsunomitama Amasakaru mukatsu hime no mikoto)
+祭神天照大神荒魂 (撞賢木厳之御魂天疎向津媛命)
+HistoryAccording to the Nihonshoki, when Empress Jingū made her triumphant return from her expedition to Korea there was an oracle from Amaterasu Ōmikami, the deity enshrined at Ise’s Inner Shrine. Amaterasu directed through that oracle that her aramitama—the ferocious manifestation of her spirit—be enshrined at Hirota. Jingū then instructed Hayama-hime, the daughter of Yamashiro no Neko, to worship that manifestation of Amaterasu Ōmikami, marking the origins of this shrine.
-8366Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース廣田神社Hirota JinjaBPD000019廣田神社 Hirota Jinja北緯 34 度 45 分 09.860秒
東経 135 度 20 分 24.740秒105037Hirota Jinja廣田神社ひろたじんじゃHyōgo兵庫県Taisha-chō, Nishinomiya City,西宮市大社町https://d-museum.kokugakuin.ac.jp/map/detail/id=12958http://www.hirotahonsya.or.jp/Amaterasu Ōmikami Aramitama (Tsukisakaki Itsunomitama Amasakaru mukatsu hime no mikoto)天照大神荒魂 (撞賢木厳之御魂天疎向津媛命)According to the Nihonshoki, when Empress Jingū made her triumphant return from her expedition to Korea there was an oracle from Amaterasu Ōmikami, the deity enshrined at Ise’s Inner Shrine. Amaterasu directed through that oracle that her aramitama—the ferocious manifestation of her spirit—be enshrined at Hirota. Jingū then instructed Hayama-hime, the daughter of Yamashiro no Neko, to worship that manifestation of Amaterasu Ōmikami, marking the origins of this shrine.Nijūnisha
