Sumiyoshi Taisha

住吉大社 Sumiyoshi Taisha

小分類Sumiyoshi Taisha
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CB画像
+LocationSumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Ōsaka City
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 34 度 36 分 41.130秒
東経 135 度 29 分 37.160秒
+Deity(ies)Sokotsutsunō no mikoto, Nakatsutsunō no mikoto, Uwatsutsunō no mikoto, Jingū Kōgō
+HistoryAccording to the Nihonshoki, when 14th emperor Chūai’s widow Empress Jingū dispatched troops to invade Silla, they received the divine assistance of Sumiyoshi no Ōkami in helping them subjugate their foe. Following Jingū's triumphant return, an oracle from Sumiyoshi no Ōkami is said to have prompted the decision to enshrine that deity at this site, marking the shrine’s origin Later, the empress herself would also be
-8362Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース住吉大社Sumiyoshi TaishaBPD000015住吉大社 Sumiyoshi Taisha北緯 34 度 36 分 41.130秒
東経 135 度 29 分 37.160秒105033Sumiyoshi Taisha住吉大社すみよしたいしゃŌsaka大阪府Sumiyoshi, Sumiyoshi-ku, Ōsaka City大阪市住吉区住吉ō no mikoto, Nakatsutsunō no mikoto, Uwatsutsunō no mikoto, Jingū Kōgō底筒男命・中筒男命・表筒男命・神功皇后According to the Nihonshoki, when 14th emperor Chūai’s widow Empress Jingū dispatched troops to invade Silla, they received the divine assistance of Sumiyoshi no Ōkami in helping them subjugate their foe. Following Jingū's triumphant return, an oracle from Sumiyoshi no Ōkami is said to have prompted the decision to enshrine that deity at this site, marking the shrine’s origin Later, the empress herself would also beūnisha
