Ōharano Jinja

大原野神社 Ōharano Jinja

小分類Ōharano Jinja
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CB画像
+LocationŌharano minamikasuga-chō, Nishikyō-ku, Kyōto City
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 34 度 57 分 36.890秒
東経 135 度 39 分 22.550秒
+Deity(ies)Takemikazuchi no mikoto, Iwainushi no mikoto, Amenokoyane no mikoto, Hime Ōkami
+HistoryIn 784 (Enryaku 3), upon the transfer of the capital to Nagaokakyō, the Fujiwara clan performed a ceremony to bring the divided spirits of the deities from the Kasuga shrines to be guardian deities of the new capital and they were worshipped at this site. Construction of an actual shrine building was begun at the requeset of the Hokke (“northern house”) branch of the Fujiwara clan in in 850 (Kashō 3) some years after the relocation of the capital to Heian-kyō.
-8356Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース大原野神社Ōharano JinjaBPD000009大原野神社 Ōharano Jinja北緯 34 度 57 分 36.890秒
東経 135 度 39 分 22.550秒105027Ōharano Jinja大原野神社おおはらのじんじゃKyōto京都府Ōharano minamikasuga-chō, Nishikyō-ku, Kyōto City京都市西京区大原野南春日町https://d-museum.kokugakuin.ac.jp/map/detail/id=12948http://oharano-jinja.jp/Takemikazuchi no mikoto, Iwainushi no mikoto, Amenokoyane no mikoto, Hime Ōkami建御賀豆智命・伊波比主命・天之子八根命・比咩大神In 784 (Enryaku 3), upon the transfer of the capital to Nagaokakyō, the Fujiwara clan performed a ceremony to bring the divided spirits of the deities from the Kasuga shrines to be guardian deities of the new capital and they were worshipped at this site. Construction of an actual shrine building was begun at the requeset of the Hokke (“northern house”) branch of the Fujiwara clan in in 850 (Kashō 3) some years after the relocation of the capital to Heian-kyō.Nijūnisha
