Kasuga Taisha ("Secondary use prohibited." / 閲覧に限る)

春日大社 Kasuga Taisha

小分類Kasuga Taisha
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CB画像
+LocationKasugano-chō, Nara City
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 34 度 40 分 52.830秒
東経 135 度 50 分 54.890秒
+Deity(ies)Takemikazuchi no Mikoto, Futsunushi no Mikoto, Amenokoyane no Mikoto, Hime Gami
+HistoryIn 768 (Jingokeiun 2), under orders from the female 48th emperor Shōtoku, Minister of the Left Fujiawara no Nagate erected four shrine buildings atop Mt. Mikasa to venerate two deities who were tutelaries of the Fujiwara clan— Takemikazuchi no Mikoto from Kashima Shrine and Futsunushi no Mikoto from Katori Shrine—and the two ancestral deities Amenokoyane no Mikoto and Hime Gami from Hiraoka Shrine.
-8355Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース春日大社Kasuga TaishaBPD000008春日大社 Kasuga Taisha北緯 34 度 40 分 52.830秒
東経 135 度 50 分 54.890秒105026Kasuga Taisha春日大社かすがたいしゃNara奈良県Kasugano-chō, Nara City奈良市春日野町https://d-museum.kokugakuin.ac.jp/map/detail/id=12947http://www.kasugataisha.or.jp/Takemikazuchi no Mikoto, Futsunushi no Mikoto, Amenokoyane no Mikoto, Hime Gami武甕槌命・経津主命・天児屋根命・比売神In 768 (Jingokeiun 2), under orders from the female 48th emperor Shōtoku, Minister of the Left Fujiawara no Nagate erected four shrine buildings atop Mt. Mikasa to venerate two deities who were tutelaries of the Fujiwara clan— Takemikazuchi no Mikoto from Kashima Shrine and Futsunushi no Mikoto from Katori Shrine—and the two ancestral deities Amenokoyane no Mikoto and Hime Gami from Hiraoka Shrine.Nijūnisha
