

Painter. Born in Fukuoka Prefecture. Entered Tokyo University of the Arts in 1953, where he studied in professor Takeshi Hayashi’s lab. For three straight years from 1958, he was awarded the Dokuritsu Prize at the Dokuritsu Exhibition. He participated in this exhibition every year up until 2001. In the latter half of the 1950s, he created Fauvist-style paintings. In the mid-1960s, he gained attention for the series “Average Fat Body,” which portrayed a red-and-white curtain and human figures. From the 1970s, he created the series “Tedious Landscape,” which depicted landscapes such as a tea plantation and mountain range. From 1987, after recovering from illness, he began producing various series, including “Cherry Blossom and Cow” and, in his later years, “Flower, Cloud and Cow” and “Flower Light.”

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