ISHII, Setsuko



Artist. Born in Tokyo. In 1970, graduated from Tokyo Institute of Technology. After graduating from Sokei Academy of Fine Art and Design in 1974, moved to France to study at École nationale supérieure des Beaux-Art, Paris. In 1980, went to the US to participate in the artist-in-residence program at the Museum of Holography, New York. In 1981, was selected for the Overseas Study Program for Artists by the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs. From 1981-82, was a visiting researcher at the Center for Advanced Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Creates a mystical space through operating optical techniques as if she were using a paintbrush. Produced and exhibited her works in Europe and the US, as well as in Asia, including Japan. Highly recognized internationally as a pioneer of holography art in Japan, the inception of which was in the 1960s. In 2022, our museum held her large-scale solo exhibition, which was the first she held at a public art museum.

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