021 新生代 / Cenozoic era / 新生代 / 新生代 / 신생대

Guide No.021
The Cenozoic Era dating from 66 million years ago to the present began with the major extinction of the ammonites and dinosaurs. The Cenozoic Era, that in which we now live, can be considered as “the Age of Mammals”. The formation of continents became to take similar to the present. The last 2.6 million years can be referred to as “the Age of Human”. This period is also known for Ice Ages as the earth experienced several durations of intensely cold climatic conditions.
新生代,是恐龙和菊石等生物灭绝后的时代。新生代又被称为“哺乳类的时代”。当时地球大陆也逐渐接近于现在的形状。新生代的最新一个纪也就是“第四纪”,距今约260万年,被称为“人类的时代”。 当时,由于寒冷的气候持续不断,又被称为“冰河时代”。
新生代,是恐龍和菊石等生物滅絕後的時代。新生代又被稱為“哺乳類的時代”。當時地球大陸也逐漸接近於現在的形狀。新生代的最新一個紀也就是“第四紀”,距今約260萬年,被稱為“人類的時代”。 當時,由於寒冷的氣候持續不斷,又被稱為“冰河時代”。
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