700 平安・鎌倉・室町時代の北九州 / Kitakyushu of Heian, Kamakura, and the Muromachi period. / 平安・镰仓・室町时代的北九州 / 平安・鎌倉・室町時代的北九州 / 헤이안・가마쿠라・무로마치 시대의 기타큐슈
Guide No. | 700 |
このコーナーでは、北九州の古代から中世についての展示をしています。関門海峡という交通の要所をかかえたこの地域は、大宰府(だざいふ)に赴任(ふにん)する古代の貴族、対外貿易を重視した平氏政権、元(げん)との交渉に心をくだいた鎌倉幕府、遣明船(けんみんせん)を派遣した室町幕府など、いつも中央の政権が重要視していました。そのため、政権の崩壊とともにこの地域の勢力も周辺からの攻撃を受けて、たびたび戦火にさらされ、残された資料は多くありません。災害や戦争をくぐりぬけてきた貴重な資料を展示するとともに、映像や模型などもつかって、この時代の雰囲気を体感してもらえるよう工夫しています。 | |
In this section, the exhibits are related to Kitakyushu from ancient times through the middle ages. The fact that the Kanmon Straits, an extremely important point of traffic, is located within the territory was the reason the central ruling governments always regarded the area with special significance. Throughout its history, the Kitakyushu area has witnessed many important historical events taking place. For example, ancient noblemen used to pass by on their way to their assigned posts at Dazaifu, a remotely detached administration center of the ancient central government; the rulers of the Taira clan emphasized the importance of foreign trade; the Kamakura Shogunate went through great hardship in diplomatic exchanges with the Mongolian dominated Chinese government; and the Muromachi Shogunate dispatched missions to Ming dynasty China. Therefore, every time the central government collapsed, the local rulers of Kitakyushu were also the target of attacks by their surrounding enemies. After repeated warfare, many historical reference materials were reduced to ashes and very little remains. In addition to providing the valuable materials on display, great efforts have been made to help visitors feel the realistic atmosphere of each period through various pictures and models. | |
这个展览厅展示着北九州从古代到中世纪的情况。这个地区拥有关门海峡,是交通的要地。前往大宰府上任的古代的贵族,重视对外贸易的平氏政权,花费了很大的心血与元朝进行谈判的镰仓幕府,向明朝派遣船只的室町幕府等,这个地区一直受到中央政权的重视。由于这样的缘故,每当政权崩溃时,这个地区的势力也受到四周的攻击,战乱频繁,没有给后人留下较多的资料。这里展示着经过多次的灾害和战争留存下来的宝贵资料,并使用图像和模型等,使观众能感受那个时代的气氛。 | |
這個展覽廳展示著北九州從古代到中世紀的情況。這個地區擁有關門海峽,是交通的要地。前往大宰府上任的古代的貴族,重視對外貿易的平氏政權,花費了很大的心血與元朝進行談判的鎌倉幕府,向明朝派遣船隻的室町幕府等,這個地區一直受到中央政權的重視。由於這樣的緣故,每當政權崩潰時,這個地區的勢力也受到四周的攻擊,戰亂頻繁,沒有給後人留下較多的資料。這裡展示著經過多次的災害和戰爭留存下來的寶貴資料,並使用圖像和模型等,使觀眾能感受那個時代的氣氛。 | |
이 코너에서는, 키타큐슈의 고대에서부터 중세에 관해 전시하고 있습니다. 간몬 해협이라는 교통의 요소를 갖고 있는 이 지역은, 다자이후에 부임한 고대의 귀족, 대외 무역을 중시한 해이시 정권, 원나라와의 교섭에 신경을 쓴 카마쿠라바쿠후· 견명선을 파견한 무로마치 바쿠후등, 언제나 중앙 정권이 중요시한 곳이었습니다. 그로 인해 정권의 붕괴와 함께 이 지역의 세력도 주변의 공격를 받아 전쟁으로 불타버렸으므로, 남겨진 자료는 많지 않습니다. 재해나 전쟁에서 남겨진 중요한 자료를 전시하는 동시에, 영상이나 모형을 사용해, 이 시대의 분위기를 체감할 수 있도록 했습니다. |