Origin 19-1

資料名(日本語)Origin 19-1
Document NameOrigin 19-1
作者田辺 武 TANABE Takeshi
材質石、世界各地の水、カプセル、鉛 stone, water around the world, capsule,lead

OriginはBig Bangから始まったとされる「時間」と「空間」をテーマにした私のBig Bang Symphonyを構成するシリーズの1つです。
多くの参加者を募り地球上のさまざまな地域から“水”(海水、淡水)を採取、石に参加者の思いのある地の“水”を封印、WEBサイトのGoogle My Mapsに採取地の写真、メッセージ等を記載する。

"Origin" forms a part of my series, Big Bang Symphony. It centers "time" and "space", which are said to have started with the Big Bang.
The Earth, the planet of water, is home to the oceans, where life is formed. Life is said to have come into existence about four billion years ago. We are going to seal the space-time spanning four billion years and water, the origin of life, in a stone.
The project invites participants to collect "water" (seawater and freshwater) from different places on the Earth, seal the "water" they are particularly attached to in a stone, and upload images of the place where the water is collected, together with messages, etc., on Google My Maps.
Currently, our oceans suffer severe microplastic pollution. It is a problem that affects the survival of humans and all life forms on the Earth.
Through my work, I want people to stop for a while and think about humankind, the Earth, the environment, the time-space… and so on. The planet we live is the Earth, the one and only planet of water.
"Origin" forms a part of my series, Big Bang Symphony. It centers "time" and "space", which are said to have started with the Big Bang.
The Earth, the planet of water, is home to the oceans, where life is formed. Life is said to have come into existence about four billion years ago. We are going to seal the space-time spanning four billion years and water, the origin of life, in a stone.
The project invites participants to collect "water" (seawater and freshwater) from different places on the Earth, seal the "water" they are particularly attached to in a stone, and upload images of the place where the water is collected, together with messages, etc., on Google My Maps.
Currently, our oceans suffer severe microplastic pollution. It is a problem that affects the survival of humans and all life forms on the Earth.
Through my work, I want people to stop for a while and think about humankind, the Earth, the environment, the time-space… and so on. The planet we live is the Earth, the one and only planet of water.
