絵馬 伝「神功皇后之図」

Cultural property nameVotive Picture Tablet (Ema) Picture of Empress Jingu
CommentaryThis is a votive picture tablet (ema) about a myth related to Empress Jingu depicting the empress, her infant son (the later Emperor Ojin), and her servant Takenouchi no Sukune.
Unlike the votive picture tablets of the commonly-seen style, the background of this votive picture tablet is sparse. The composition features the characters, and the style is bold and lively. Because of these two characteristics and the colors that are used, a clear commonality exists between this votive picture tablet and theater pictures (shibai-e), and this fact is noteworthy.
This votive picture tablet (height of 139 cm and width of 194 cm) was dedicated in 1840. Although such large votive picture tablets were dedicated at famous shrines and temples in the downtown (shitamachi) areas of Edo because many theater workers paid their respects at them, that such a votive picture tablet was offered in Yoyogi, a suburb of Edo, is unusual.
