『絵馬「大江山鬼退治之図」その一 絵馬「大江山鬼退治之図」その二』の画像


絵馬「大江山鬼退治之図」その一 絵馬「大江山鬼退治之図」その二

Cultural property nameVotive Picture Tablet (Ema) Picture of Orge Slaying at Mt. Oe Part One
Votive Picture Tablet (Ema) Picture of Orge Slaying at Mt. Oe Part Two
CommentaryAoyama hyakuningumi (one-hundred-man unit) dedicated both of these votive picture tablets (ema) to Konnoh Hachimangu Shrine in 1675. These votive picture tablets are based on the story “Shutendoji of Mt. Oe” included in Otogizoshi, which circulated among people during the Muromachi period.  
 Votive picture tablets depicting this story about ogre (oni) slaying have been dedicated to shrines and temples around the country. However, these two votive picture tablets are rare discoveries in that the scene of the raid (Part One) and the ogre slaying scene (Part Two) were depicted as two pictures. In addition, the intricate and meticulous brushwork and rich colors make these excellent pieces as paintings.
Each of these votive picture tablets is 78.5 cm high and 105 cm wide.
