Dôsojin,Sai no kami

Dôsojin,Sai no kami

大分類Basic Terms of Shinto 神道基本用語集
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
テキスト内容Gods of roads and borders. Called sai no kami or dôrokujin in some areas, stone representations of these deities are often found at village borders, mountain passes, crossroads, and by bridges. As a deity of borders, the dôsojin is believed to protect not only villages from pestilent spirits coming from outside, but also travelers on the road, and others in "transitional" stages. For this reason, the dôsojin is at times also thought of as a god of children or of easy childbirth.
+Related TermsSai no kami
-37392009/02/19Administrator00BTS000037道祖神,塞神Dôsojin,Sai no kamiGods of roads and borders. Called sai no kami or dôrokujin in some areas, stone representations of these deities are often found at village borders, mountain passes, crossroads, and by bridges. As a deity of borders, the dôsojin is believed to protect not only villages from pestilent spirits coming from outside, but also travelers on the road, and others in "transitional" stages. For this reason, the dôsojin is at times also thought of as a god of children or of easy childbirth.37道祖神Dôsojin塞神Sai no kamiD01
