Araburu kami

大分類Basic Terms of Shinto 神道基本用語集
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
+TermsAraburu kami
テキスト内容Malignant gods who bring affliction to human beings. Although it may seem strange to consider them as kami, in Shinto it is thought possible to soothe and pacify their evil natures by means of matsuri and thus change them into benevolent deities. See also magatsuhi no kami.
-12392009/02/19Administrator00BTS000012荒ぶる神Araburu kamiMalignant gods who bring affliction to human beings. Although it may seem strange to consider them as kami, in Shinto it is thought possible to soothe and pacify their evil natures by means of matsuri and thus change them into benevolent deities. See also magatsuhi no kami.12荒ぶる神Araburu kamiA01
