Matsunō Taisha

松尾大社 Matsunō Taisha

小分類Matsunō Taisha
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CB画像
+LocationArashiyamamiya-machi, Nishikyō-ku, Kyōto City
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 35 度 00 分 00.050秒
東経 135 度 41 分 06.840秒
+Deity(ies)Ōyamagui no kami, Ichikishimahime no mikoto (Nakatsushimahime no mikoto)
+HistoryThe background to this shrine’s founding dates to around the 5th or 6th century CE when the Hata family immigrated from the Korean Peninsula to settle in Kadono (present day Uzumasa and Nishikyōgoku, Ukyō-ku), Kyōto. As they worked to develop the land including using the Katsura River to irrigate, the Hata decided to adopt the Matsunō deity specific to this region as their clan tutelary. In 701 (Taihō 1), Hata no Imiki Tori built the first shrine buildings at the present location when he brought objects of worship representing the deity from their iwakura (a formation of rocks to which a deity is invited to descend to be worshipped) on the peak of Mt. Matsuo.
-8352Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース松尾大社Matsunō TaishaBPD000005松尾大社 Matsunō Taisha北緯 35 度 00 分 00.050秒
東経 135 度 41 分 06.840秒105023Matsunō Taisha松尾大社まつのおたいしゃKyōto京都府Arashiyamamiya-machi, Nishikyō-ku, Kyōto City京都市西京区嵐山宮町Ōyamagui no kami, Ichikishimahime no mikoto (Nakatsushimahime no mikoto)大山咋神・市杵島姫命(中津島姫命)The background to this shrine’s founding dates to around the 5th or 6th century CE when the Hata family immigrated from the Korean Peninsula to settle in Kadono (present day Uzumasa and Nishikyōgoku, Ukyō-ku), Kyōto. As they worked to develop the land including using the Katsura River to irrigate, the Hata decided to adopt the Matsunō deity specific to this region as their clan tutelary. In 701 (Taihō 1), Hata no Imiki Tori built the first shrine buildings at the present location when he brought objects of worship representing the deity from their iwakura (a formation of rocks to which a deity is invited to descend to be worshipped) on the peak of Mt. Matsuo.Nijūnisha
