Jingū (Gekū Shōgū: main sanctuary of Gekū)

神宮 Jingū (伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū)

資料形式 CB画像
+LocationUjitachi-chō, Ise City
緯度/経度 latitude/longitude北緯 34 度 27 分 15.610秒
東経 136 度 43 分 33.290秒
+Deity(ies)Naikū: Amaterashimasu Sume Ōmikami (Amaterasu Ōmikami), Gekū: Toyouke no Ōmikami
+HistoryNaikū: The deity venerated here, Amaterasu Ōmikami, was originally enshrined in the emperor’s residence at the imperial court. The 10th emperor Sujin feared the deity’s power and had the object of worship removed. Imperial princess Toyosuki Irihime no Mikoto then had the deity enshrined at Yamato no Kasanuimura. During the reign of the 11th emperor Suinin, Princess Yamato Hime no Mikoto had the image enshrined along the upper reaches of Isuzu River in Ise. This is regarded to be the origins of Naikū at Ise Jingū. Gekū: According to Ledgers of the Toyouke Shrine Ceremonies, the shrine was founded during the reign of the 21st emperor Yūryaku. Amaterasu Ōmikami is said to appeared to Yūryaku in a dream and instructed him to have Toyouke no Ōmikami, Kami (the shintō - deity) of food, come from Tamba to serve meals to Amaterasu. Yūryaku did as Amaterasu commanded and brought the deity’s object of worship to be installed in Watarai at Yamadahara, the site of the Gekū.
-8348Nijūnisha(The 22 Shrines) Image collection 二十二社写真データベース神宮JingūBPD000001神宮 Jingū (伊勢神宮 Ise Jingū)北緯 34 度 27 分 15.610秒
東経 136 度 43 分 33.290秒105019Jingū神宮じんぐうMie三重県Ujitachi-chō, Ise City伊勢市宇治館町https://d-museum.kokugakuin.ac.jp/map/detail/id=12940http://www.isejingu.or.jp/Naikū: Amaterashimasu Sume Ōmikami (Amaterasu Ōmikami), Gekū: Toyouke no Ōmikami内宮:天照坐皇大御神(天照大神)、外宮:豊受大御神Naikū: The deity venerated here, Amaterasu Ōmikami, was originally enshrined in the emperor’s residence at the imperial court. The 10th emperor Sujin feared the deity’s power and had the object of worship removed. Imperial princess Toyosuki Irihime no Mikoto then had the deity enshrined at Yamato no Kasanuimura. During the reign of the 11th emperor Suinin, Princess Yamato Hime no Mikoto had the image enshrined along the upper reaches of Isuzu River in Ise. This is regarded to be the origins of Naikū at Ise Jingū. Gekū: According to Ledgers of the Toyouke Shrine Ceremonies, the shrine was founded during the reign of the 21st emperor Yūryaku. Amaterasu Ōmikami is said to appeared to Yūryaku in a dream and instructed him to have Toyouke no Ōmikami, Kami (the shintō - deity) of food, come from Tamba to serve meals to Amaterasu. Yūryaku did as Amaterasu commanded and brought the deity’s object of worship to be installed in Watarai at Yamadahara, the site of the Gekū.Nijūnisha

