ITAI:The Reconstruction of Sacredness as Seen in the Travel to Sacred Sites by the Elderly and Disabled

The Reconstruction of Sacredness as Seen in the Travel to Sacred Sites by the Elderly and Disabled: From an Investigation of Shrine Visit Volunteers at the Ise Shrines

大分類Articles in Translation (双方向論文翻訳)
小分類ITAI:The Reconstruction of Sacredness as Seen in the Travel to Sacred Sites by the Elderly and Disabled
分野分類 CB宗教学・神道学
文化財分類 CB学術データベース
資料形式 CBテキストデータベース
資料番号 IDJAT02011
翻訳言語 languageJapanese→English
論文題名 titleThe Reconstruction of Sacredness as Seen in the Travel to Sacred Sites by the Elderly and Disabled: From an Investigation of Shrine Visit Volunteers at the Ise Shrines
著者 author板井正斉 ITAI Masanari
翻訳者 translatorジェシー・ラフィーバー LEFEBVRE, Jesse
原題 original title高齢者・障害者の聖地旅行に見える聖性の再構築について―伊勢神宮における参拝ボランティア調査から―
刊行年 year of publicaton2009
原論文掲載媒体 original media『神道文化』20・21:141-162
コンテンツ権利区分CC BY-NC
-52876Articles in Translation (双方向論文翻訳)Japanese→EnglishITAI:The Reconstruction of Sacredness as Seen in the Travel to Sacred Sites by the Elderly and DisabledThe Reconstruction of Sacredness as Seen in the Travel to Sacred Sites by the Elderly and Disabled: From an Investigation of Shrine Visit Volunteers at the Ise Shrines754374646JAT000021Japanese→English高齢者・障害者の聖地旅行に見える聖性の再構築について―伊勢神宮における参拝ボランティア調査から―板井正斉 ITAI Masanari,20092011『神道文化』20・21:141-162ジェシー・ラフィーバー LEFEBVRE, Jesse翻訳JAT02011
