007 アースモール / Earth mall / 地球展览厅 / 地球展覽廳 / 어쓰몰

Guide No.007
Life on the earth began about 4 billion years ago. Throughout the history of life there has been a continuous process of developing new life forms and extinction. This exhibition, named as “Earth Mall”, attempts to trace the evolution and development of life on the earth by examining some of the most significant fossil species of each geological ages and analyzing how these different life forms developed.
지구상의 생명은 약40억년 전에 출현했으며, 이후 많은 종이 출현하고 발전하고 멸종되었습니다. 어쓰몰에서는 지구상에 나타난 생명들 가운데 대표적인 것들을 소개합니다. 생명이 걸어온 길을 되돌아볼 수 있습니다.

【エリア内の展示解説一覧 (Exhibition in this area)】
