KU・RA・GE・DA・ZO- *model

OwnerUbe City
Search TypeSculpture Model
Japanese Titleク・ラ・ゲ・だぞー<模型>
Artist仲田 守 NAKATA Mamoru

The lifestyle of modern humans is one burdened with responsibility,
busy with work and constantly lacking enough time. “I want to be more
free, I want to pursue my own dreams in a bigger world, and live free
from cares.” Many people today feel like this. Jellyfish in the vast
sea float gracefully, and live freely and naturally. Using the shape
of a jellyfish, I wanted to express the hopes and dreams of people

この「クラゲ」の彫刻を見てどう思いますか? 足が長い、足がグニャグニャしておもしろい、金色だ、などといろいろな事を感じると思います。「クラゲ」は型にはまらず、自由に伸び伸びと動く。その動きは優雅で、形はきれいだと思います。子供たちには型にはまらず、自分らしく伸び伸びと、そして夢を追いかけるような生き方をして欲しいと思います。それが私のこの作品を通しての子供たちへのメッセージです。

What do you think of when you look at this “jellyfish” sculpture?
Its tentacles are long, weird, twisted, and gold colored; there are
many things you might think. Jellyfish aren’t confined; they move
naturally and freely. I think their movement is elegant and that they
are beautiful. I would like children be unrestricted, to be free and
be unique, and to chase their dreams. That’s my message to children
that I would like to express through this work.
Document ID21812
