
OwnerUbe City
Search TypeOutdoor Sculpture
Japanese Title天象
Artist多田 美波 TADA Minami

The piece consists of triple-layered acrylic plate, bent and polished in the shape of a knife blade. Due to the differences in thickness of the three layers in some parts manifested in different refractions, the background seen through the work creates bizarre aggregation and dispersion, as if the heaven has been playful. Because it is placed in the forecourt of a library’ reading room, the object offers an ideal, soothing diversion to our eyes exhausted from reading books, making the scenery doubly intriguing. The work is a good example of how contemporary open-air sculptures started to incorporate the surrounding environment and scenes instead of just serving as monuments.
Document ID21491
Source第6回現代日本彫刻展 宇部興産株式会社賞
