サムネイル画像/Thumbnail Image

River of Ponds IV

TitleRiver of Ponds IV
Artistフランク・ステラ Frank STELLA
Mediumacrylic on canvas
Accession NumberFO198800006000
SummaryFrom about 1967 to 1971 Stella turned away from his earlier achievements and created a series of works made up of assemblages of colored shapes drawn with a protractor. This series was his first use of circular shapes in his works. This particular work was first in a series named after a Newfoundland place name, and is the final variation of that series which started from 1969. Guidelines were first drawn in pencil, and then the color fields were laid down with narrow gaps between them in a method seen since the Black series, thus giving each color its own independence. The massive square canvas is divided into square and curved shapes which have been layered with different colors and contrasting values of paint, creating a work filled with dynamic movement and depth. This is a result of Stella's pervasive respect for visual illusion and is the element which links these works to the reliefs of his later years.
