サムネイル画像/Thumbnail Image


Artistポール・デルヴォー Paul DELVAUX
Mediumoil on canvas
Accession NumberFO198800002000
SummaryIn 1943 the poet Paul Eluard asked Delvaux to create this painting which is also known as “Mystery of the Street.” Columned Greek temple-like buildings are seen arrayed beneath a moonlit night along a stone paved road which runs from the lower right of the composition deep into the central left back of the composition. Mountains can be glimpsed behind on the horizon. The moonlight glitters coldly on the stone walls lining the street, and the sidewalk paving the road facing these walls is incomplete, with small pebbles left where the paving ends. De Chirico's influence can be seen in the depiction of the shadows of the buildings and figures. Three completely nude women, all in the same pose and with bewildered expressions, walk on the street towards the viewer, as if to keep on going right past the viewer. These women, floating along in the strange light are like manifestations of an Echo spirit with their left hands raised, and ears bent as if listening to memories. The women's sizes do not match those of their surrounding buildings or appropriate distances, and thus warp the surrounding space. The still atmosphere further develops a world made increasingly mystical by the combination of echoes bouncing off the stones, light and buildings.
