FS198400001000_000000_001T, 0000/00/00撮影, Public Domain, CC0

Beethoven with Two Hands

TitleBeethoven with Two Hands
Artistエミール゠アントワーヌ・ブールデル Emile Antoine BOURDELLE
Accession NumberFS198400001000
SummaryBourdelle made some 40 images of Beethoven between 1886 and the year of his death. The first ones were realistic, but after around 1901 the appearance and setting of the sculptures became freer and the expressive figure came to reflect his own personality. Bourdelle left an affinity for Beethoven because both artists had stubborn, forceful personalities, strong emotions, and a bold compositional sense which led them to make elevating works of art full of compressed energy. This piece was made the year Bourdelle left Rodin's workshop. The masses of the face and hands seem to be carved out of three square stone pillars, and the composition is impressively architectural. The large mass of the background envelops the contemplative face which suggests an expansive inner world. The hands are quite large in comparison to those in painted portraits of Beethoven. Forceful and expressive, they symbolize the artist's ability to transform spirit into actual sounds and forms.
